Friday, October 10, 2008

Things you should never do....

One of the people at work has this rule he lives by... "Don't die stupid." I think it's a good rule. Obviously he thinks it's a good rule too.

I almost violated said rule yesterday....

I would suggest never trying to move a really big ladder from a cramped space by yourself. Obviously, it could fall on you, pinch your fingers, land on an important body part.... You never know what could happen. But let's be honest, in a pinch, we would probably all just tackle it by ourselves if need be and assume the potential risks. Fine...whatever...

Unless the really cramped space has, oh I don't know, hand saws, sickles, pitch forks, and axes hanging on the walls around you.

Yep. Not kidding. Did that yesterday. Fortunately the only things I knocked of the wall were a pitch fork and a hand saw (only one of several, so that's good right?)

Luckily I still have all my fingers and toes and no puncture wounds.

God is good.

1 comment:

Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Reading your blog makes me miss camp ministry.