Monday, March 9, 2009

Lifelong Friends Part II

St. Louis is awesome. Great friends are even better.

This weekend I got to go see my dear friend and college roommate in St. Louis...and I fell in love with that city (again) and remembered (I had never really forgotten but it just became even more evident) why we were meant to be lifelong friends. I personally think we were meant to always be roommates, but she had to go and get herself engaged and blow that plan! Jeez...

My dear Katie had an itinerary for the weekend that involved an urban chic restaurant, breakfast at the London Tea Room, meals at 2 different Crepe Restaurants, dinner on the roof of her building, strolls through downtown, and a walk around the Wash U campus. Let me just say it was an incredible weekend. (Partly because of the food....GLORIOUS!!! But mostly because I remembered why Katie is such a good friend.)

We would just sit and talk over coffee, tea, gelato...whatever and get lost in conversations about helping people, serving people, how the church can be involved in helping and serving lost and hurting people. We share similar passions but approach them and think about them from different angles, and that is something I love!

Katie is amazing friend. She is a lifelong friend. And I am so thankful for the blessing she is in my life.

*My roomie reunions over the past month have been terrific. My goal is for this to continue for many, many years.

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